Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Can Amazing Customer Service Be a Source of Competitive Advantage?

Can Amazing Customer Service Be a Source of Competitive Advantage? 

A recent discussion with one of our clients brought this question into focus. The client is College Pathways USA, and for them, amazing customer service isn't just a plaque on the wall, it's the reason the company exists. It's also intrinsic to their competitive advantage. 

Explaining the genesis of the company the founder said, "As college administrators, we struggled with our desire to give students the time and service they needed because we were stretched so thin. We launched our company to provide an amazing, personalized service to help students enter and succeed in college."

Illustrating their services she continued, "For one of our clients, the family and even the high school were unaware of the programs that were available to their high school student. With our help and advocacy, this student was able to earn 12 college credits that transferred to her college for free."

She added, "Her parents were thrilled, not only for the free credits, but also for the opportunity for their daughter to begin her college experience while still at home. Now she can choose to graduate early (and save thousands of dollars), or to take a lighter credit load during her sports seasons. We’re proud of her, and we enjoy keeping in touch because amazing customer service builds special relationships with our clients."

And those clients tell their friends. From our perspective, seeing the steady growth of College Pathways USA confirms the value of amazing customer service as an important source of competitive advantage, even in a market with larger, well financed, entrenched competitors. A    

Coincidentally, October 2 to 6 is national Customer Service Week, in honor of which author Shep Hyken is offering his book, "Be Amazing or Go Home" in eBook format at no charge. (You can get the hardcover version for $24.81 if you're a Prime member.) 

His book outlines seven customer service habits that build trust with customers, employees and family members. He makes an important connection between gratitude and being Amazing.  Here's a link where you can download a copy on Amazon:

Be Amazing or Go Home

The free eBook is available this week only.
