Being in the website design and development business it affords us an opportunity to "eat our own dog food" every few years. It's that time again and we're proud to announce the redesign of our own website. (By the way, for trivia buffs, there's an interesting article in Wikipedia explaining the origin of the term "eating your own dog food", apparently going back to an Alpo commercial with Lorne Greene.)
Since we launched the first Precept website back in 2003, this is our fifth significant redesign. That puts us on about a three year refresh cycle. That's not too frequent to keep the site's look and feel fresh and the messaging relevant as our client's needs have grown and evolved over time.
In any case, the latest iteration of the Precept website is indeed a case of "dogfooding" incorporating the latest techniques we're using for our client projects including a lighter, cleaner look using fully responsive design with custom menus and one-touch "contact" buttons (at page bottom when you use a smartphone to access the site).
We also reorganized the sites navigation to better segment our web design, development and marketing work from our business analysis and Internet strategy services.
Take a look and let us know what you think!