When Howard Brodsky and co-author Dustin Klein got in touch to request my input on their upcoming business strategy book, I have to admit, was scratching my head. While their credentials are impeccable, (Howard is co-CEO of CCA Global Partners, a $10B company with 3,000 locations worldwide and Dustin is the co-author of an Amazon #1 best seller), I wondered if anyone could possibly bring anything new to the subject of business strategy.
Having just read the completed text, I'm happy to report Howard and Dustin have indeed delivered a fresh take on turning your customer service department into a source of sustainable competitive advantage. (Michael Porter take note!)
The book's full title is The Unexpected - Breakthrough Strategies to Supercharge Your Business and Earn Loyal Customers for Life. It outlines a practical approach for transforming "standard" customer service interactions into memorable, loyalty building experiences. It's about delivering the kind of service that turns regular customers into enthusiastic brand advocates. It's noteworthy too that these customers for life now use social media to share their experiences creating amazing, credible "word-of-mouth" that can drive significant revenue growth and profitability.
Filled with real world examples, it's an easy, but an important and insightful read. (You'll find my comments and customer service experiences starting on pages 31 and 65 if you're so inclined.) Given it's value and potential impact, The Unexpected is our latest "recommended read".
Here's a link to the website where you can read more or jump to the Amazon page where you can order a copy of the just published book in hardcover or as an eBook: unexpectedthebook.com